Applying Melodic Contrast to Diatonic Phrases
Mike Rossi

Cat #: AV-14206
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Edition: Paperback Book, For all C, Bb, and Eb Treble Clef Instruments
Description: 112 Pages
Uncommon Etudes from Common Scales will better equip students and challenge improvisers of all levels with etudes that travel through all keys using common chord types. Also, expand your melodic and creative ability as an improviser and composer by applying Contrast to diatonic phrases! The etudes are suited for C, Bb and Eb treble clef instruments. The appendix features the changes for all etudes in the correct transposition to accompany Bb and Eb instruments.
"This volume of etudes by Mike Rossi is packed with appealing, swinging, modern, modal, model melodies. Like Dr. Rossis previous volume, Contrast and Continuity, this is a further contribution to learning contemporary jazz vocabulary, based on swing articulation and occasionally venturing into odd time signatures. Although intended for individual practise as preparation for soloing, selections from these etudes were performed by saxophone ensembles accompanied by rhythm section at recent jazz education conferences I attended and they sounded great. Like worthwhile etudes in every tradition, Uncommon Etudes focus on particular instructional outcomes while revealing the musical insights of a thoughtful and talented composer." ---Prof. Darius Brubeck, Honorary Research Associate, University of Kwazulu-Natal and IAJE Board: Africa/Middle East Representative
"Following in the footsteps of his acclaimed Contrast and Continuity in Jazz Improvisation, Michael Rossi has crafted a book of etudes that are, at once, as educationally stimulating as they are musically fulfilling. A scintillating approach and a valuable addition to every improvising musicians resource library!" ---Chuck Owen, University of South Florida Distinguished University Professor Artistic Director, Center for Jazz Composition President, IAJE
"Uncommon Etudes is the secret and cure for students and pros alike when practicing scales in all keys. These etudes are firstly MUSIC and also FUN to play. Combined with the etudes is Rossis unique Contrast concept, which transforms already hip-sounding, scale-based phrases into a multi-coloured CREATIVE sound and language. The virtual chord changes found in the appendix, allows concert instruments the opportunity to comp for transposing instruments, another excellent addition to an already great book." ---Ulrich SÃ�¼sse, Composer
"Once again. As he did with his last book, Contrast and Continuity in Jazz Improvisation, Mike has been studious in presenting material that is beyond the theoretical, but has practical and immediate use as a means of adding vocabulary to ones playing." ---David Liebman
"Uncommon Etudes from Common Scales by Professor Mike Rossi is a comprehensive addition to the field! This systematic method challenges, and intensifies, creative improvisational development utilizing melodic and rhythmic contrast. Exploring harmonic applications and related phrase development are strongly encouraged and integrated to internalize and expand the improvisers perspective, fluency and musicality!" ---Dennis Tini, Distinguished Professor of Music Co-Founder, Jazz Studies Program, Wayne State University-Detroit Past President, International Association for Jazz Education