Arranged by Duke Pearson, Transcribed and Prepared by Dylan Canterbury

Cat #: JLP-7589
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Edition: Jazz Septet Arrangement
Description: Swing - Medium Difficult
Publisher: Jazz Lines Publications
Duke Pearson's 1968 album 'The Right Touch' is rightly considered one of his finest efforts as a leader. Featuring an all-star lineup of horn players, a rock-solid and sympathetic rhythm section, and a brilliant set of Pearson's original compositions and arrangements, this album continues to hold up as an outstanding example of late 1960s hard bop.
Essentially a three-bar tune in three parts, "Rotary" is one of the most unusual melodies authored by Pearson. Although written in 6/4, there are times that things feel closer to being in 4/4, which creates an off-kilter rhythmic feeling unlike anything else in Pearson's catalog.
The melody is three main sections, all over the same three bar chord loop. On the melody in, each of these three sections are played twice, resulting in the form initially being 18 measures long. The melody is stated in unison by trumpet, alto saxophone and piano, with tenor saxophone and trombone playing back-up.
The solo section is an opened up 3 bar vamp. The 6/4 is largely broken down into 3 groups of 2 beats, however the drummer is allowed some liberty to shift feels around as they see fit. Solo order on the original recording is Freddie Hubbard on trumpet, James Spaulding on alto saxophone, Garnett Brown on trombone, Stanley Turrentine on tenor saxophone, and Pearson on piano. The three melody segments are only repeated once on the head out, making for a 9-bar form this time. The rhythm section brings things to a close by playing the first measure of the melody, holding on a G triad over an F in the bass.
This arrangement is written for septet. An optional guitar part has been included. Chord changes have been included in each part to allow for the solo section to be opened up as much as you wish.
Alto Saxophone
Tenor Saxophone
Guitar (Optional)