Arranged by Frank Foster
Cat #: W-51224DL
Retail Price: $55.00
Our Price: $49.50
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Edition: Jazz Big Band Arrangement
Description: Swing - Medium Difficult
Publisher: Walrus Music Publishing
One of Frank Foster's more ambitious charts in the context of the so-called "Basie Tradition," "Major Butts" is really just another medium up-tempo 12-bar blues, but with the added twist of an "I Got Rhythm" bridge in long meter played in a jazz samba groove. One full chorus consists of two 12-bar blues segments followed by the Latinesque 16-measure bridge and then another 12-bar blues segment, giving the song an elongated A-A-B-A form. The chord changes aren't difficult, and your tenor sax and trumpet soloists should handle them pretty well. If the band director elects to insert additional solos it is suggested that all soloists be limited to one full chorus apiece.