Book 1, 2nd Edition
Ed Roseman

Cat #: JA-EPI
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Edition: Paperback Book, Piano
Description: 48 Pages
Edly Paints the Ivories Blue, now in its second edition, teaches piano technique, reading skills, improvisation, chords, and related theory. It's intended for lovers of blues, jazz, rock, or any pop styles, as well as "recovering traditionally-trained players." Edly Paints the Ivories Blue is a bright blue alternative and supplement to traditional black & white major-scale-based piano instruction books. It's as hip and fun as it is educational. Bypassing twinkling stars and little lambs, it teaches piano through blues songs written specifically for this book. AUDIENCE: ? do-it-yourselfers (teacher input recommended) ? private students with teacher ? teenage to adult beginners ? traditionally trained players wanting to move towards pop styles or improvisation. MATERIAL: ? beginning piano instruction using the blues as the teaching material; keys of C, G, D, A, E, and F. ? reading: notes, rhythms, symbols, etc. ? improvisation ? blues form, melody, and chords ORIENTATION & TONE: ? alternative primary method, or supplement to a traditional method. ? unusually hip, fun, and engaging for an instruction book ? user-friendly, humorous, heavily illustrated, attractively laid out ? much more explanation than most piano method books ? encourages experimentation