David Liebman

Cat #: AL-01-ADV12031
Retail Price: $34.95
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Edition: Paperback Book; Melody Instruments in C (Flute/Guitar/Piano)
Description: 160 Pages
53 original compositons by the popular contemporary sax man, some based on standards with Dave's unique harmonic touch. Some are in lead line (fake book) form, some are arranged for piano, and others are in sketch orch form (melody on the top staff and harmony parts written on the lower staff/staves.)
"Having the invaluable experience of being associated with Lieb on many levels for many years, and also having played and recorded many of these compositions, I can say from experience that his music offers not only the greatest challenges but also the greatest rewards. Practicing and performing his compositions will give you exposure to every type of playing situation imaginable and broaden your musical and improvisational horizons." (Phil Markowitz)
"I call Dave an improvisionary a great jazz composer and improviser with a unique vision of the world, reflected in his compositions, some of which are found in this great new collection. It always takes more than one look to play one of these pieces. They are, to say the least, challenging; but clearly worth it! Congratulations, Bro! And thanks to the wonderful Veronika Gruber of advance music for continuing Hans' great work." (Richie Beirach)
Titles: All the Things That * And Now, for a Show Tune * Anubis * As Always * Ballad 1 * Beyond the Line * Breath * Bridge Dance * Brother Ernesto * Change-Up * Chant * Child at Play * Child Refugee * Climbing * Cosmos * Cycling * Day & Nite * Fire * Flashpoint * Fracas * Gazelle * The Gentle Warrior * Get Me Back to the Apple * G.I.G. * Hymn for Mom * Is Seeing Believing? * Le Roi du Monde * Little Peanut * Look What We Do to Ourselves * Lost Horizon * Loudly * The Luck of the Draw * Main in the Mist * Mommie's Eyes * Move on Some * Papoose * Pastorale * Port Ligat * Renewal * Riz's Blues * Satya Dhwani * The Searcher * Snow Day * Something She Would Do * The Spirits Awaken * Teacher of Our Child * Tender Mercies * Translucence * Vamp to Life * Vendetta * When to Love.