Raible, Claus
It was during his primary school days that Claus was introduced to Jazz through radio programs and he was particulary fascinated by such masters as Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Jimmie Lunceford etc. At the age of eleven he began playing trumpet and three years later the piano became his second and eventually main instrument. While still in high school Claus had his first precious expiereances and public appearances with jazz ensembles lead by high school teacher Juerg Heydner. He also started forming several bands and began performing around the Munich area. Upon graduating from high school Claus entered the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Austria. During the time studying in Austria with Prof. Dr. Harry Neuwirth, Claus was already touring different countries with stellar performers such as Art Farmer, Andy Bey and Mark Murphy and appeared on several radio and television shows. He received his diploma in 1992 with Honors.
Claus spent the following three years in New York City where he formed the Claus Raible Sextet as well as working as a sideman and performing in many New York jazz clubs. It was in New York that he met, and later took master classes from pianist Dr. Barry Harris who has been a great influence on his writing and arranging.
In 1998 Claus returned to Munich, Germany and began splitting his time between New York and Europe. Since then he has organized at least two tours per year in Europe that include various international lineups, such as the Claus Raible Trio, Quintet, Sextet etc.
Claus, among other things, is currently working on a series of projects; "Presenting the Music of...", dedicated to great Jazz composers and stylists such as Thelonious Monk, Elmo Hope and Tadd Dameron. The setups vary from Quartet to Nonet.
Claus is currently teaching at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich, Germany.