Strang, Aaron
Aaron Strang did his undergraduate studies at the University of Minnesota, Duluth from 1991-1996 in music education and music composition. He studied composition under the direction of Dr. Tim Mahr, Dr. Thomas Wegren, Dr. George Hitt, and Dr. Michael Pagan. In 1997, his piece "Shenanigans" was the first place show performed by Perfect Cadence Drumline of Foley,Minnesota at the state high school competition. In 2000, his junior high band work "Suite Dreams" won first place in a contest by the Minnesota Band Directors Association. It was premiered that year at the state music convention in Minn. by the middle level honor band. He continues to have various works performed by the Twin Ports Wind Ensemble, the Big Time Jazz Orchestra, the North Shore Big Band, and other various groups. He currently resides with his wife and child in Webster, Wisconsin working as an At Risk Coordinator for the school district there.