Blueprint for the Exceptional Choral Program
Elizabeth Volk and Stan McGill

Cat #: 08745729
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Edition: Paperback Book & CD-ROM Package, Vocals/Choral Programs
Description: 252 Pages
Excellence is not something stumbled upon by accident. You won't achieve great things while flailing about in paperwork nor partake of true musical artistry by folly. Success requires a concrete plan of action: a big-picture plan followed by all the little details that, together, create a complex mosaic that forms a beautiful and intricxate picture of choral excellence. This practical text offers a wealth of information for running a choral program. The two successful veteran teachers offer advice for dozens of solutions to issues facing the choral director. Includes a CD-ROM of bonus material and an introduction by Paul Salamunovich.
GET READY... The Calendar for the Year, The Choir Handbook.
GET SET... Preparing for Class, Herhearsal Structure and Techniques, Selecting Literature, Blueprint for Teaching Choral Literature, Effective Classroom Management.
GO! Conducting Concert Dos and Don'ts, Memorization, Contests and Festivals, Programming Themes and Variations, Enrichment Opportunities for Students, The Blessing of Added Extras, Identifying Prospective Audiences.
AFTER ALL, THEY DO CALL YOU A TEACHER! Grading Policies, Paperwork, Teaching Sight-Reading and Music Literacy.
TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS Copyright Law for the Choral Director, The Art of the Interview, Teacher Observations and Evaluations, Professional Resources.
HOW TO GET ALONG AND PLAY WELL WITH OTHERS Building Your Support System, The Recruitment and Retention of Choir Students, Effective Publicity and Public Relations.
HOW TO DO STUFF Fund-Raising, Uniforms, Music Library Organization and Maintentance.
HOW TO KEEP THE TAIL FROM WAGGING THE DOG Show, Pop, Jazz, and Swing Choirs, Chamber Singers and Madrigal Groups.
WHO SAYS CHOIR IS BORING? Choir Traditions, Fun and Games, Trips, Tours, Parties, and Banquets.
ALL THE REST THAT'S FIT TO PRINT... Topics Overlooked in MusEd 101, The Great Miscellany of It All.
VAULTING INTO THE BIG LEAGUES VIPs of the Profession, You Are Cordially Invited..., International Travel
Epilogue, Table of Contents for CD Appendix, Index
GET SET... Preparing for Class, Herhearsal Structure and Techniques, Selecting Literature, Blueprint for Teaching Choral Literature, Effective Classroom Management.
GO! Conducting Concert Dos and Don'ts, Memorization, Contests and Festivals, Programming Themes and Variations, Enrichment Opportunities for Students, The Blessing of Added Extras, Identifying Prospective Audiences.
AFTER ALL, THEY DO CALL YOU A TEACHER! Grading Policies, Paperwork, Teaching Sight-Reading and Music Literacy.
TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS Copyright Law for the Choral Director, The Art of the Interview, Teacher Observations and Evaluations, Professional Resources.
HOW TO GET ALONG AND PLAY WELL WITH OTHERS Building Your Support System, The Recruitment and Retention of Choir Students, Effective Publicity and Public Relations.
HOW TO DO STUFF Fund-Raising, Uniforms, Music Library Organization and Maintentance.
HOW TO KEEP THE TAIL FROM WAGGING THE DOG Show, Pop, Jazz, and Swing Choirs, Chamber Singers and Madrigal Groups.
WHO SAYS CHOIR IS BORING? Choir Traditions, Fun and Games, Trips, Tours, Parties, and Banquets.
ALL THE REST THAT'S FIT TO PRINT... Topics Overlooked in MusEd 101, The Great Miscellany of It All.
VAULTING INTO THE BIG LEAGUES VIPs of the Profession, You Are Cordially Invited..., International Travel
Epilogue, Table of Contents for CD Appendix, Index